Unfinished Journey 
A new beginning... 

Have you been given a list of diagnosis for all your "tired, aches and fog"?  Have those diagnosis been followed up with a prescription that did nothing to get to the root cause of your dis-ease?

Have things gotten worse?  Are you wondering what diagnosis is next or whether there will be something that still works a little bit for your "problem" next year or maybe even next season?

Are you beginning to look at everything as a sign of old age; everything from pain and fatigue to memory fog and the inability to keep up with your peers? 

What if there is a better way?

What if you could... take one practical step today and be on your road to lasting change?
What if you could... take another step and find joy and release from blocks that hold you back?

What if you could...   design a protocol of step by step solutions and find Health and frEEDOM!!!  

WHAT IF THIS COULD BE YOUr journey today!!!!

What if this could be you???

Are you struggling?

Multiple Chronic diagnosis can be a life sentence. For many years I believed what a read and what I heard... that there was "no cure",  not much could be done, and things would only get worse...

Healing and hope

.....but NONE of what I was told was true!

There is help.
There is hope.
There are solutions.  

My Journey
The life I came from...  

For three decades I struggled with my health.  Doctors were unable to keep me from sliding down. They just kept giving me one diagnosis after another including IBS, Fibromyalgia, Osteoarthritis and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS).  My health went from bad to worse and nothing seemed to work. I was eventually diagnosed with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and Mould Sensitivity. My health continued to spiral down until I needed a cane to walk Doctors had some prescriptions to offer but nothing really helped the fatigue or the brain fog.  

Life was scary, painful and full of the FOG!


I finally made the decision to start exploring on my own.  Step by step God lead me to find small doable solutions to not just manage my health 

.....but to truly heal!!!  


Today, I live a life of 

freedom, joy, and energy!!! 


This website is a labour of gratitude and exactly what I needed to find 30 years ago.

It is my deepest desire that YOU will find answers here.  I pray that you will be richly blessed and encouraged to take the first steps on your healing journey.  


The first small steps
Be informed and surround yourself with a community of support.
Be Informed

We all need information to give us new thoughts towards healing.   When we know that someone else has walked a similar path and healed, then we know that there is hope! Find my stories and ideas on everything from food to faith, fun to fulfilment here: 

Community of Support

Everyone needs a community of like-minded people to encourage them and to share ideas with.  This community is for YOU!  It is filled with small steps that anyone can try. Above all, it is a place of hope and help! 

 Stepping  out with commitment! 
Commitment to healing
I am an overcomer!!!  
If you are really ready to OVERCOME, here is where you step out to DO THE THINGS!  
From individual services to group coaching and workshops, UNFINISHED JOURNEY has several steps you can take to get started on a lasting journey to improved health.
Journey to Freedom!
Sometimes we need individual care for a short period of time to work through our OWN things one step at time.  Journey to Freedom is a one on one session to help you work through the things that have you stuck.  Through prayer, essential oils, questions and scripture you are led to discover your own road blocks and provided  a system to work through them one step at a time. 

Mentorship Program coming soon! 

Up next for your personal journey is a full-on mentorship program for all the things! This program includes several steps to get you started at a pace you are comfortable with.

Coming soon.

Coming soon
Unfinished Journey, The first steps
is a workshop to educate you about your body and natural healing. From a decade of research and the perspective of my journey with Mould Illness, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia I take you through the ground level strategies that I took to heal.    

This workshop is designed for both individual and group use.  

Coming April 15!  

Coming April 15!!