Do you have a Jones’s friend?

Do you have a Jones’s friend?


You know that saying, about how “we are just keeping up with the Joneses”?  Yeah… we often use that in conversation in talking about keeping up with others in terms of “stuff” or wealth.


Well, that is not exactly what I am talking about.  My "Jones" friend and I, we keep up with each other in a much more important way.


One of the friendships that I have curated is with Sue.   We have such a great relationship, in fact, when I wrote this she was sitting across from me in my camper, at the campground that I love, and we were both taking some time to work a bit.  We were both blogging.  


          But I digress….


What makes her a “Jones’s friend”?  Well, it is this…. Every time that one of us, steps out ahead of the other, in personal or emotional growth, in a business adventure, in a course that will benefit us, or even in another mild education “side thing”… we reach out to each other, and encourage the other gal to jump on as well.  

And here is the thing… Sue and I are VASTLY different people…. She is organized, I am creative.  (Read between the lines!)  I am a drama show much of the time, and Sue is demure and more quiet.  I laugh LOUDLY at the slightest bit of fun.  Sue, however, has this amazing quiet dry sense of humour, that is often offered with an almost flat affect except for a slight turn of the corners of her mouth and a sparkle in her eye.  So although we do so much together… we are VERY different in our abilities, as well as, our likes and dislikes.  We each tend to have the bit of personality that the other does not and we fill in each other’s gaps.  When we are together, I create the fun and Sue makes sure that I still have all my belongings together when we leave…..EV UH RY TIME.  


But the MOST SPECIAL part of our relationship, the part that I cherish the most, is not the quiet times of contemplation, or the fact that she keeps our trips organized, or the fun that we have together…. It is that she is my JONES FRIEND.  


When I lag behind, she sets me straight.  Then she proceeds to tell me with organized clarity what she is doing.  When she finds something beneficial to her life, something that helps her emotionally, or personally, or with her business, I get a text, message, phone or video call, while she tells me, (again with organized clarity) what it is all about, and there is always that expectation that I will jump on that band wagon to improve my life.  And I usually do.  And I do the same for her.  


I laugh and tell her… we are like two teen girls that have to go to the bathroom together.  


And Sue’s opinion of this… offered in her usually bland flat voice, filled with meaning…

“Yeah, it seems to be effective”.  😂

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1 Comment

  1. ooh I love your Blog Post!!! by reading this I have realized I have a JONES friend too and she is is so special to me.. Wow thank you for this wonderful post
    Agnes Vanspronsen AUTHOR  11/18/2020 05:57 PM Central
    Thank you Claudette!! Sorry for the late reply, my friend.... I just figured out how to reply on this page. ;)

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