One of the dumbest things I EVER did!
We all do really dumb things.  And they all have consequences…  unfortunately.  
Some of them are much more long term than others.  

If you break a healthy diet by eating chocolate cake with ice cream, that isn’t the worst.  It’s dumb, but the next day you will likely have tummy troubles and cravings.  If you forget to plug your car in, during a snowstorm when it's expected to hit -30 C or lower… it's a bit more serious.  You may miss an entire day off work.  That's a little dumber!  

But my dumb thing actually cost me DECADES of good health!  

Here is what happened: When I was in my early 30ies, my health was flatlining.  And by flatlining, I mean that my energy was so low, you could hardly find a pulse.  I was barely moving!  And if you are diagnosed with ME/CFS or Fibromyalgia,  etc, you know what I am talking about.  

So, I decided to get some help.  I went to see a Naturopathic doctor, and the first thing he did was get me to follow a specific detox diet for 10 weeks.  And it wasn't easy!  It reduced my sugars and sweeteners, to pretty much only carrots.  And obviously, while those are sweet, if you have been eating pudding and whip cream for a while, and drinking tea with several scoops of sugar in it daily, CARROTS ARE NOT THAT SWEET.  

But I managed.  After this diet, I was supposed to reintroduce each category of foods one at a time, but ONLY if I was truly tolerant of it.  And this is where I messed up so badly, that it cost me years of my life!  I honestly did very well with the reintroduction of the foods.  But instead of listening to my body, I simply went back to each food one at a time. I simply really didn’t “GET IT”, if you know what I mean.  I didn’t understand how damaging some of the so-called foods were.  (White sugar and white flour, I’m looking at you!) 

So, the result of that was… while the diet did what it needed to do and I became much healthier, mistakenly I slowly reintroduced all the bad foods back in, so the fatigue, pain and brain fog, reasserted itself.  In fact, it was decades before I actually made the connection between the foods that I ate, and the energy that was produced as a result of that. 

Now I am super healthy and on track.  Pain is rarely an issue, brain fog is gone and my energy level is back to normal!!  Sure, I am still working on improvements because I want to be in PRIME condition, but healing has definitely taken place.  My biggest regret is not figuring this out 2 decades sooner! 

For more support on issues surrounding fatigue, pain and brain fog, jump into my free group   Here , and subscribe to my youtube channel  here to get the next instalment of this story coming later this week!  


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